Saturday, December 11, 2010

The "All I Want for the Holidays is Some Yummly Food and an iPad Contest from

Hi friends!  Thank you to my new followers both on this blog AND on my BlogFrog community.  It tickles me pink when I see my numbers go up!

OK, so I'm asking for help again.  If you give me "Likes" of FB for this recipe AND I get the MOST "likes"...I WIN AN iPAD!  It's actually for my dh.  He desperately needs one for work.  His Blackberry looks like it's been crushed by a garbage truck, survived and came back to life.

Here's more information about the contest:

You can click on my badge in the upper corner of my blog's homepage.  It will direct you to my FB page and then you can "like" the recipe!  I will be reposting the recipe daily so it will be easy to find among my status updates.

THANK YOU!  Whenver you click "Like" on my recipe, add your blog to the Linky below.  I, as a thank you, will visit your blog, leave a comment and even repost a link if something strikes me as funny, cool or interesting!  Plus, other people can see your blog and you may get more visitors!

I'm so excited that I can try to win something to give to my dh AND help my fellow bloggers by getting them exposure on Linky!


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